FacilEsca, specialist in motorized PIRL (individual light rolling platform)
We help companies and all sectors of activity to:
– To reduce the MSD due to repetitive ascents/descents and tiring actions
– Maximize the productivity of each, therefore that of the company thanks to our unique patented and innovative solution the motorized PIRL.
Existe en modèle :
– 3 marches (hauteur maxi : 2,75m)
– 4 marches (hauteur maxi 3m)
Something to open up new perspectives in your business!
For all routing and control work on electrical wiring, painting, installation of lighting and maintenance procedures, shelving, inventory, picking, stock management, installation of false ceilings, product control, filing, archiving, maintenance of buildings, office partitioning, etc.
* Matériel pouvant bénéficier de l’aide « TOP BTP » à hauteur de 50% du montant (HT) des sommes engagées. (Voir onglet subvention ci-dessus)